Montsalvatge’s ‘Puss in Boots’ El Gato con Botas MWO SmallStages Autumn 2022

Director/Designer: Richard Studer / Music Director: Jonathan Lyness

Mid Wales Opera’s fifth SmallStages tour kicks off our Fairy Tales season with Catalan composer Montsalvatge’s beautifully crafted one-act version of the familiar tale of ‘Puss in Boots’, El Gato con botas. Premiered in Barcelona in 1948 and rarely performed, this age-old children’s story tells of the wealth-seeking, match-making cat who, in return for a hat, a sword and a pair of boots, secures for his young master (a lowly miller) a kingdom and a royal marriage to a princess, tricking a slow-witted ogre out of his castle along the way.

From its opening Montsalvatge’s music is energetic, tuneful and full of catchy rhythms, lush melodies and feline musical effects! MWO’s production features 5 singers, singing in English, and 5 players showcasing a new chamber arrangement by Jonathan Lyness. The second half will feature a cabaret style collection of popular and entertaining musical items featuring all the performers.