If you made a promise to improve your health and to get fitter this year, then let us help you! Advice and exercise recommendations can be offered by Jason Foster, manager at The Imperial Hotel’s health and fitness centre Mint Condition. Let us help you with your fitness journey, by choosing our gym membership Llandudno.
We probably all know someone, or are even guilty ourselves, that promised they would have a healthier and fitter lifestyle in the new year but broke that resolution before the end of January! The key to keep it going is not to stick to one type of exercise or, even the same exercise routine, as this is when boredom sets in. We all need to do two types of physical activity each week: aerobic and strength exercises. So, mix it up with variety and alternate between swimming, an exercise routine and a keep fit class.
We also recommend that you don’t overdo it. Jumping into the gym every day can make it become a chore rather than a pleasure. How much exercise a person needs can vary depending on many variables, which is why an assessment by a fully qualified fitness instructor before starting is crucial. Ideally, adults need to do 2½ hours of aerobic activity a week, plus strength exercises at least twice a week.
It’s good to get into a routine so you exercise either in the morning before work, or in the evening on your way home. Write it in your diary so it becomes a permanent fixture in your weekly schedule, and if you need some additional motivation, why not exercise with a friend.
Aerobic activity is vital for burning off calories, weight management and general health as it raises your heart rate and makes you breathe faster, warming up your body. This includes swimming, aerobics, cycling, fast walking and running.
Strength exercises build and strengthen muscles and strong bones, regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, plus burn calories or help maintain a healthy weight. They also strengthen the joints and improve balance, stability and posture. So, it is important to make sure your gym routine works all your major muscles – legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms, performing at least 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise.
When starting out, stick to the same aerobic routine for 5 weeks and the strength exercises for 12 sessions. If it’s a case of maintaining your fitness, then you can continue with the same routine. But, if further improvement is required then you need to be reassessed by a fitness instructor so they can devise a new routine which continues to challenge your body to improve your fitness.
Health and Fitness Centres come in all shapes and sizes, and Mint Condition has the perfect balance of gym equipment for aerobic and strength exercises, plus a 45ft UV treated level-deck swimming pool.
So, if you plan to become fitter and healthier, then becoming a member of Mint Condition is the first step to achieving your goal. With its fully qualified full-time fitness instructors to deliver, one to one personal training specifically tailored to suit your needs they will help keep you focused, inspired and motivated to make you find a fitness routine you’ll enjoy.
Discover more about Mint Condition and its range of membership packages by calling our fitness team on 01492 863910.