--> Investors in People Accreditation - The Imperial Hotel, Llandudno

Investors in People Accreditation

We have been accredited as an Investors In People organisation.

Investors in People is the most successful framework for transforming business performance through people and sets out outcomes that represent good practice in the way people are led, managed and developed.

Geoff Lofthouse, general manager said; “I am delighted we have been awarded such a prestigious accolade which is testament to the commitment and work of all the staff at the hotel”.

Assessors were impressed with the team culture both within individual departments and across the hotel, which ensures that quality is ingrained in everything it does and how people deliver their service. In particular, the specialist assessors praised the hotel for offering ‘the highest customer service experience for all who visit whether it be for an extended stay or just afternoon tea. Standards are exceptionally high, and of a time gone past; there is a marked philosophy of respect demonstrated by all’.

The hotel was also praised for its overall strong performance management and a management team who are supportive, available and visible at all times.

Geoff concluded; “The needs of the business are the focus for everything Investors in People does.  As well as outlining our strengths and areas of good practice it has also given us bespoke business advice that enables us to build on these excellent results to boost our performance”.